
We conducted a two-stage multi-treatment or network meta-analysis for the simultaneous analysis of all treatments of interest and which co-occur in the same trial. This approach allows direct comparisons of treatments with each other, and takes into account all the correlations (see Madden et al. 2016 for more details).

The most common form of effect size used in traditional meta-analysis are based on the contrasts of the treatment of interest with a common reference (e.g. control treatment), such as mean difference, response ratio, etc. This is known as the conditional modeling approach, also named contrast-based meta-analysis. An alternative and simpler approach, which is commonly used in plant pathology, is to fit a two-way linear mixed model directly to the treatment means. This is know as the unconditional modeling approach or arm-based meta-analysis.

Import data

Let’s first import the data and load the packages needed for the analyses.

fhb_sev <- read.csv("fhb_sev.csv", sep = ",", h = T)
fhb_yield <- read.csv("fhb_yield.csv", sep = ",", h = T)
# Load packages 


Here, we used the latter approach fitted directly to the log of the means (for both FHB index and yield) for further obtaining the relative effect (control efficacy and yield response). For yield, we fitted the model directly to the mean yield of treatments to further estimate the yield response, or the difference (D) from using the fungicides. The D was calculated for each treatment within a study for plotting purposes, but the meta-analyitic estimate of D was obtained from the difference of the estimates by mixed model fitted directly to the treatment means.

# log of FHB index
fhb_sev$yi <- log(fhb_sev$sev)

# log of yield
fhb_yield$yi <- log(fhb_yield$yield)

# difference (D) in yield between treatment and non-treated check
fhb_yield$D <-fhb_yield$yield - fhb_yield$yield_check

Sampling variance

Let’s create the sampling variance variables vi for the respective effect-sizes.

# Sampling variance for the log of FHB index
fhb_sev$vi <- with(fhb_sev, V_sev / (n * sev^2))

# Sampling variance for the log of yield
fhb_yield$vi <- with(fhb_yield, V_yield / (n * yield^2))

# Sampling variance for yield
fhb_yield$vi2 <- fhb_yield$V_yield/fhb_yield$n # multivariate approach


There are tree fungicides of interest in this study:

  • Tebuconazole
  • Propiconazole
  • Carbendazim

Most of them were used as a single application but Tebuconazole was tested as single or sequential application. Let’s get the number of entries per fungicide. The AACHECK refers to the plots where no fungicide was applied, or the control.

table(fhb_sev$AI, fhb_sev$n_spray2)
##            0  1  2
##   AACHECK 35  0  0
##   CARB     0  3 29
##   PROP     0  0 27
##   TEBU     0 23 22

Let’s create another variable to identify each of these four treatments. We will omit CARB applied once because there are only three entries.

fhb_sev <- fhb_sev %>% 
  mutate(AI_nspray2 = paste(AI, n_spray2,sep='_')) %>% 
  filter(AI_nspray2 != "CARB_1") %>% 
  filter(trial, length(trial)>1) 

fhb_yield <- fhb_yield %>% 
  mutate(AI_nspray2 = paste(AI, n_spray2,sep='_')) %>% 
  filter(AI_nspray2 != "CARB_1") %>% 
  filter(trial, length(trial)>1) 

Finally, we create a unique identifier for the treatment within a trial. This can be used further as random effects in the model.

# ID variable for each entry within a trial

fhb_sev$id <- 1:nrow(fhb_sev)
fhb_yield$id <- 1:nrow(fhb_yield)

Descriptive analysis

We will get some summary information which may of use to describe the dataset when writing the material and methods and results section of the paper.

# Number of entries by fungicide and number of sprays
table(fhb_yield$AI, fhb_yield$n_spray2)
##            0  1  2
##   AACHECK 48  0  0
##   CARB     0  0 41
##   PROP     0  0 27
##   TEBU     0 38 34
# Number of unique trials
## [1] 48
# Number of unique studies
## [1] 15
# Number of trials by year
fhb_trial <- fhb_yield %>% 
  group_by(trial) %>% 
  filter(row_number() ==1)

## [1] 10
# Number of trial by location
# Number of trials by publication type
# Number of trials by state
# n. of entries with D value lower than zero
negat_D <- fhb_yield %>% 
  filter(D < 0)

We also want to check whether the difference in means (D) can be expressed in absolute rather than relative terms. The former is indicated for situations in which the coefficient of variation for the response variable in the check treatment is not too high (Paul et al. 2008)

We can see that CV was high for FHB index, but much lower for yield. It is safer then to work with the absolute means difference for yield than FHB index, which will also require log-transformation.


Control efficacy

Let’s fit an arm-based model using the function of metafor to get the estimates for each treatment.

fhb_mv_AI <-, vi, 
                    mods = ~ AI_nspray2, 
                    random = list(~ AI_nspray2 | trial, ~1 | id), 
                    struct="UN", data=fhb_sev)

Let’s see the summary ouput provided by this function. Note that the intercept is the control treatment and all treatments differed significantly from the control based on the very low P-values.

## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 136; method: ML)
## Variance Components: 
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor
## sigma^2    0.0059  0.0766    136     no      id
## outer factor: trial      (nlvls = 35)
## inner factor: AI_nspray2 (nlvls = 5)
##             estim    sqrt  k.lvl  fixed      level
## tau^2.1    1.7461  1.3214     35     no  AACHECK_0
## tau^2.2    1.4947  1.2226     29     no     CARB_2
## tau^2.3    1.7639  1.3281     27     no     PROP_2
## tau^2.4    2.2428  1.4976     23     no     TEBU_1
## tau^2.5    1.8756  1.3695     22     no     TEBU_2
##            rho.AACH  rho.CARB  rho.PROP  rho.TEBU_1  rho.TEBU_2    AACH
## AACHECK_0         1    0.8786    0.9325      0.9526      0.9597       -
## CARB_2       0.8786         1    0.9767      0.0000      0.9556      21
## PROP_2       0.9325    0.9767         1      0.0000      0.9952      26
## TEBU_1       0.9526    0.0000    0.0000           1      0.9997       9
## TEBU_2       0.9597    0.9556    0.9952      0.9997           1      13
##            CARB  PROP  TEBU_1  TEBU_2
## AACHECK_0    no    no      no      no
## CARB_2        -    no     yes      no
## PROP_2       21     -     yes      no
## TEBU_1        0     0       -      no
## TEBU_2        8    11       2       -
## Test for Residual Heterogeneity: 
## QE(df = 131) = 47330.3777, p-val < .0001
## Test of Moderators (coefficient(s) 2,3,4,5): 
## QM(df = 4) = 87.2446, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
##                   estimate      se     zval    pval    ci.ub     
## intrcpt             2.1735  0.2247   9.6727  <.0001   1.7331   2.6139  ***
## AI_nspray2CARB_2   -0.8001  0.1319  -6.0675  <.0001  -1.0586  -0.5417  ***
## AI_nspray2PROP_2   -0.6324  0.0996  -6.3469  <.0001  -0.8277  -0.4371  ***
## AI_nspray2TEBU_1   -0.8790  0.1254  -7.0070  <.0001  -1.1248  -0.6331  ***
## AI_nspray2TEBU_2   -0.7596  0.0888  -8.5508  <.0001  -0.9337  -0.5855  ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

We can set linear contrasts between treatments of interest and get the P-valued using the anova function.

anova(fhb_mv_AI, L=rbind(c(0,1,-1,0,0), 
## Hypotheses:                                           
## 1:  AI_nspray2CARB_2 - AI_nspray2PROP_2 = 0
## 2: -AI_nspray2PROP_2 + AI_nspray2TEBU_1 = 0
## 3: -AI_nspray2PROP_2 + AI_nspray2TEBU_2 = 0
## 4: -AI_nspray2TEBU_1 + AI_nspray2TEBU_2 = 0
## Results:
##    estimate     se    zval   pval
## 1:  -0.1677 0.0852 -1.9675 0.0491
## 2:  -0.2466 0.1315 -1.8755 0.0607
## 3:  -0.1271 0.0752 -1.6907 0.0909
## 4:   0.1194 0.1100  1.0860 0.2775

Let’s back-transform (exponential) the estimated mean (and respective 95%CIs) difference of the logs to obtain the response ratio, which is further expressed as percent reduction in FHB index relative to the check treatment (control efficacy) for each fungicide. We then prepare the data for plotting purposes.

results_AI <- data.frame(cbind((1-exp(fhb_mv_AI$b))*100, 

treat <- c("Check", "CARB2x", "PROP2x", "TEBU1x", "TEBU2x")
efficacy <- tbl_df(results_AI)
efficacy$treat <- treat
efficacy$se <- fhb_mv_AI$se
colnames(efficacy) <- c("Mean", "CIsup", "CIinf", "Treatment", "SE")

We can visualize this quickly, but we omit the check treatment.

efficacy %>% 
  filter(Treatment != "Check") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Treatment, Mean))+
  geom_point(aes(size=1/SE), shape=15)+
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin = CIinf, ymax = CIsup))+

Inconsistency: index

In a network meta-analysis, it is important to check whether the results are consistent across the different designs. We included this variable manually in the original dataset and tested the interaction effect of treatments and design group.


FHB index base
# create the binary variable (dis_press)
fhb_sev$dis_press <- ifelse(as.numeric(fhb_sev$sev_check) >7.0, 2, 1)

# summarize number of trials per category of dis_press
table(fhb_sev$AI_nspray2, fhb_sev$dis_press)
##              1  2
##   AACHECK_0 17 18
##   CARB_2    19 10
##   PROP_2    15 12
##   TEBU_1     4 19
##   TEBU_2    10 12
# Test effect of moderator 
fhb_mv_AI_sev_check <-, vi, 
                              mods = ~ AI_nspray2*factor(dis_press),
                              random = list(~ AI_nspray2 | trial, ~1 | id),

# Contrast levels of moderators
## Test of Moderators (coefficient(s) 7,8,9,10): 
## QM(df = 4) = 6.5407, p-val = 0.1622
Yield base
# create binary variable (yield_class)
summary(fhb_sev$yield_check) # Median = 2993; Mean = 2915
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   67.33 2673.00 3085.00 3012.00 3610.00 4984.00
fhb_sev$yield_class <- ifelse(fhb_sev$yield_check > 3000, 2, 1)

# check number of trials per yield_class category
table(fhb_sev$yield_class, fhb_sev$AI_nspray2)
##   1        16     10     12     11     10
##   2        19     19     15     12     12
# test the effect of moderator
fhb_mv_AI_yield_class <-, vi, 
                                mods = ~ AI_nspray2*factor(yield_class),
                                random = list(~ AI_nspray2 | trial, ~1 | id), 

anova(fhb_mv_AI_yield_class, btt=7:10) 
## Test of Moderators (coefficient(s) 7,8,9,10): 
## QM(df = 4) = 5.5750, p-val = 0.2332
Year as continuous
# Moderator year (continuous)
# Number of entries by fungicide and year
table(fhb_sev$AI_nspray2, fhb_sev$year)
##             2000 2004 2005 2007 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
##   AACHECK_0    4    1    1    1    1    7    6    9    5
##   CARB_2       0    0    0    0    0    7    5   16    1
##   PROP_2       0    0    0    0    0    7    6    8    6
##   TEBU_1      16    3    1    1    1    0    0    1    0
##   TEBU_2       4    0    0    0    0   14    0    0    4
fhb_mv_AI_year <-, vi, 
                         mods = ~ AI_nspray2*as.numeric(year), 
                         random =list(~ AI_nspray2 | trial, ~1 | id),

anova(fhb_mv_AI_year, btt=7:10)
## Test of Moderators (coefficient(s) 7,8,9,10): 
## QM(df = 4) = 6.8229, p-val = 0.1456

Yield response: relative

### AI_nspray2 (AI and number of sprays)

fhb_mv_AI <-, vi, 
                    mods = ~ AI_nspray2, 
                    method="ML",random = list(~ AI_nspray2 | trial, ~1 | id), 
                    struct="UN", data=fhb_yield)
## Warning in, vi, mods = ~AI_nspray2, method = "ML", random =
## list(~AI_nspray2 | : Some combinations of the levels of the inner factor
## never occurred. Corresponding 'rho' value(s) fixed to 0.
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 188; method: ML)
##    logLik   Deviance        AIC        BIC       AICc  
##  138.7104   596.6813  -237.4208  -172.6920  -232.3909  
## Variance Components: 
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor
## sigma^2    0.0000  0.0024    188     no      id
## outer factor: trial      (nlvls = 48)
## inner factor: AI_nspray2 (nlvls = 5)
##             estim    sqrt  k.lvl  fixed      level
## tau^2.1    0.3782  0.6149     48     no  AACHECK_0
## tau^2.2    0.4160  0.6450     41     no     CARB_2
## tau^2.3    0.3533  0.5944     27     no     PROP_2
## tau^2.4    0.2844  0.5333     38     no     TEBU_1
## tau^2.5    0.2987  0.5465     34     no     TEBU_2
##            rho.AACH  rho.CARB  rho.PROP  rho.TEBU_1  rho.TEBU_2    AACH
## AACHECK_0         1    0.9914    0.9890      0.9861      0.9805       -
## CARB_2       0.9914         1    0.9990      0.9993      0.9975      33
## PROP_2       0.9890    0.9990         1      0.0000      0.9985      26
## TEBU_1       0.9861    0.9993    0.0000           1      0.9991      22
## TEBU_2       0.9805    0.9975    0.9985      0.9991           1      25
##            CARB  PROP  TEBU_1  TEBU_2
## AACHECK_0    no    no      no      no
## CARB_2        -    no      no      no
## PROP_2       21     -     yes      no
## TEBU_1       12     0       -      no
## TEBU_2       20    11      14       -
## Test for Residual Heterogeneity: 
## QE(df = 183) = 14956.8086, p-val < .0001
## Test of Moderators (coefficient(s) 2,3,4,5): 
## QM(df = 4) = 84.8828, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
##                   estimate      se     zval    pval   ci.ub     
## intrcpt             7.9375  0.0891  89.0957  <.0001  7.7629  8.1121  ***
## AI_nspray2CARB_2    0.1202  0.0159   7.5520  <.0001  0.0890  0.1514  ***
## AI_nspray2PROP_2    0.1482  0.0173   8.5882  <.0001  0.1144  0.1820  ***
## AI_nspray2TEBU_1    0.1599  0.0216   7.3904  <.0001  0.1175  0.2023  ***
## AI_nspray2TEBU_2    0.1758  0.0222   7.9333  <.0001  0.1324  0.2193  ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
results_I<- data.frame(cbind((exp(fhb_mv_AI$b)-1)*100, 

# Linear contrasts between treatments

anova(fhb_mv_AI, L=rbind(c(0,1,-1,0,0), 
## Hypotheses:                                           
## 1:  AI_nspray2CARB_2 - AI_nspray2PROP_2 = 0
## 2:  AI_nspray2PROP_2 - AI_nspray2TEBU_1 = 0
## 3:  AI_nspray2PROP_2 - AI_nspray2TEBU_2 = 0
## 4: -AI_nspray2TEBU_1 + AI_nspray2TEBU_2 = 0
## Results:
##    estimate     se    zval   pval
## 1:  -0.0280 0.0131 -2.1298 0.0332
## 2:  -0.0117 0.0168 -0.6965 0.4861
## 3:  -0.0277 0.0135 -2.0509 0.0403
## 4:   0.0159 0.0125  1.2783 0.2011

Yield response: absolute

### by fungicide treatment

fhb_mv_AI_D <-, vi2,
                      mods = ~ AI_nspray2, 
                      method="ML",random = list(~ AI_nspray2 | trial, ~1 | id),                       struct="UN", 
                      control = list(optimizer="nlm"))
## Warning in, vi2, mods = ~AI_nspray2, method = "ML", random =
## list(~AI_nspray2 | : Some combinations of the levels of the inner factor
## never occurred. Corresponding 'rho' value(s) fixed to 0.
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 188; method: ML)
##     logLik    Deviance         AIC         BIC        AICc  
## -1363.9516    564.5622   2767.9032   2832.6320   2772.9331  
## Variance Components: 
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor
## sigma^2    0.0000  0.0000    188     no      id
## outer factor: trial      (nlvls = 48)
## inner factor: AI_nspray2 (nlvls = 5)
##                   estim       sqrt  k.lvl  fixed      level
## tau^2.1    1172821.1556  1082.9687     48     no  AACHECK_0
## tau^2.2    1649776.5517  1284.4363     41     no     CARB_2
## tau^2.3    1513922.4058  1230.4155     27     no     PROP_2
## tau^2.4    1298155.3558  1139.3662     38     no     TEBU_1
## tau^2.5    1377800.2849  1173.7974     34     no     TEBU_2
##            rho.AACH  rho.CARB  rho.PROP  rho.TEBU_1  rho.TEBU_2    AACH
## AACHECK_0         1    0.9595    0.9533      0.9404      0.9168       -
## CARB_2       0.9595         1    0.9984      0.9975      0.9919      33
## PROP_2       0.9533    0.9984         1      0.0000      0.9938      26
## TEBU_1       0.9404    0.9975    0.0000           1      0.9971      22
## TEBU_2       0.9168    0.9919    0.9938      0.9971           1      25
##            CARB  PROP  TEBU_1  TEBU_2
## AACHECK_0    no    no      no      no
## CARB_2        -    no      no      no
## PROP_2       21     -     yes      no
## TEBU_1       12     0       -      no
## TEBU_2       20    11      14       -
## Test for Residual Heterogeneity: 
## QE(df = 183) = 42895.4678, p-val < .0001
## Test of Moderators (coefficient(s) 2,3,4,5): 
## QM(df = 4) = 63.1327, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
##                    estimate        se     zval    pval
## intrcpt           3140.0622  157.6673  19.9158  <.0001  2831.0400
## AI_nspray2CARB_2   455.7985   64.5791   7.0580  <.0001   329.2257
## AI_nspray2PROP_2   497.2890   64.7478   7.6804  <.0001   370.3856
## AI_nspray2TEBU_1   456.6366   69.1584   6.6028  <.0001   321.0886
## AI_nspray2TEBU_2   558.3048   76.4817   7.2998  <.0001   408.4034
##                       ci.ub     
## intrcpt           3449.0843  ***
## AI_nspray2CARB_2   582.3713  ***
## AI_nspray2PROP_2   624.1924  ***
## AI_nspray2TEBU_1   592.1845  ***
## AI_nspray2TEBU_2   708.2062  ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Linear contrasts between treatments

anova(fhb_mv_AI_D, L=rbind(c(0,1,-1,0,0), 
## Hypotheses:                                           
## 1:  AI_nspray2CARB_2 - AI_nspray2PROP_2 = 0
## 2:  AI_nspray2PROP_2 - AI_nspray2TEBU_1 = 0
## 3:  AI_nspray2PROP_2 - AI_nspray2TEBU_2 = 0
## 4: -AI_nspray2TEBU_1 + AI_nspray2TEBU_2 = 0
## Results:
##    estimate      se    zval   pval
## 1: -41.4905 34.4974 -1.2027 0.2291
## 2:  40.6524 53.9755  0.7532 0.4514
## 3: -61.0158 41.7599 -1.4611 0.1440
## 4: 101.6683 48.2911  2.1053 0.0353


### Groups were inclued directly in the spreadsheet
##  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 
## 48 47 39 30 10  5  6  3
### Model 
fhb_mv_AI_cons <-, vi2, 
                         mods = ~ AI_nspray2 * cons_group, 
                         random = ~ AI_nspray2 | trial/cons_group, 
                         struct="UN", data=fhb_yield)

## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 188; method: ML)
##     logLik    Deviance         AIC         BIC        AICc  
## -1522.6343    881.9277   3071.2686   3113.3424   3073.3606  
## Variance Components: 
##                  estim      sqrt  nlvls  fixed
## sigma^2.1       0.0026    0.0513      5     no
## sigma^2.2  610131.6560  781.1092    154     no
## sigma^2.3  610135.6411  781.1118    154     no
##                                 factor
## sigma^2.1                   AI_nspray2
## sigma^2.2             AI_nspray2/trial
## sigma^2.3  AI_nspray2/trial/cons_group
## Test for Residual Heterogeneity: 
## QE(df = 178) = 31025.5225, p-val < .0001
## Test of Moderators (coefficient(s) 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10): 
## QM(df = 9) = 45.6361, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
##                               estimate        se     zval    pval
## intrcpt                      4207.4600  387.1908  10.8666  <.0001
## AI_nspray2CARB_2             1117.6093  847.0772   1.3194  0.1870
## AI_nspray2PROP_2             -180.3983  674.6374  -0.2674  0.7892
## AI_nspray2TEBU_1              825.6867  682.4619   1.2099  0.2263
## AI_nspray2TEBU_2              783.8948  596.5568   1.3140  0.1888
## cons_group                   -279.0646   90.7879  -3.0738  0.0021
## AI_nspray2CARB_2:cons_group  -233.8480  268.4444  -0.8711  0.3837
## AI_nspray2PROP_2:cons_group    99.0119  150.4594   0.6581  0.5105
## AI_nspray2TEBU_1:cons_group   -10.0297  172.6707  -0.0581  0.9537
## AI_nspray2TEBU_2:cons_group    35.6920  139.6539   0.2556  0.7983
##                               ci.ub     
## intrcpt                       3448.5800  4966.3401  ***
## AI_nspray2CARB_2              -542.6315  2777.8501     
## AI_nspray2PROP_2             -1502.6632  1141.8667     
## AI_nspray2TEBU_1              -511.9142  2163.2875     
## AI_nspray2TEBU_2              -385.3350  1953.1246     
## cons_group                    -457.0055  -101.1236   **
## AI_nspray2CARB_2:cons_group   -759.9894   292.2935     
## AI_nspray2PROP_2:cons_group   -195.8831   393.9069     
## AI_nspray2TEBU_1:cons_group   -348.4580   328.3986     
## AI_nspray2TEBU_2:cons_group   -238.0246   309.4086     
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
results_I<- data.frame(cbind((exp(fhb_mv_AI$b)-1)*100, 
#anova(fhb_mv_AI_cons, btt=14:26)