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Perform a runs test on the input data to test for clustering or randomness.





A numeric vector representing the input data


an r4pde.oruns object.

An r4pde.oruns object is a list containing:

  • U, number of runs,

  • EU, expected number of runs,

  • sU, standard deviation of the expected number of runs

  • Z, Z-score of the observed number of runs,

  • pvalue, the p-value of the Z-score, and

  • result, the test result of either "aggregation or clustering" or "randomness"


oruns_test(c(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1))
#> Ordinary Runs Test of Data Sequence:
#> -------------------------------------
#> Total Number of Runs (U): 7
#> Expected Number of Runs (EU): 5.80
#> Standard Deviation of Runs (sU): 1.42
#> Z-score: 0.84
#> P-value: 0.8429
#> Interpretation:
#> Based on the Z-score, the sequence exhibits 'randomness'.